28 August 2013

Review: Liese Hair Cocktail Lite ♡

Alohaaa ♡ Keep on thinking whether to blog in English or Chinese
Lastly... Nahhh, you knew what I chose!
So today blog post is about my new favourite item

As I said, I always do research before buying any products now
You know that it's actually good to have this so-call-habit for shopping!
First of all, you wouldn't spend unnecessary money on the products which are unworthy ~
Then, you can SAVE a lot of MONEY for yourself! *weeeee
Shop wise, save more! Do yah get it? *hahahaha

Okieeeee, let's back to the topic!
After trying out Liese Juicy Shower, I really feel that Liese's products are good hair products!
Anyway, I wish the scene of the products last for the WHOLE DAY!

Erhmmm, actually my hair's condition is quite good after I cut it short
However, since it's getting better, I would make it BEST!
As all of you knew that, I'm now in Miri which a lot of items are now available for me to purchase

I was asking my bro to purchase VS Sassoon Platinum Finish Oil in East Malaysia
I wanted this finish oil so badly but it's only available in East Malaysia!
Because my sis and I ever tried it and the effect is so NICE

Maybe I'm the kind of person who is lazy to wait or better in word - Impatient!
When I was shopping in Parkson, I went to Sasa as I saw there's a promotion now
Then I saw that Liese's products are available too ~ 
I was so refusing whether should I get the Juicy Shower refill or not
Then I saw this!

... Liese Hair Cocktail Lite ...
Recently I'm really falling in love with Liese's product
Because all the products are AWESOME!!

So, the above photo showed all the details about this awesome product!
As I mentioned that Sasa is having promotion, so I bought this product for only RM28.90 ~
If I'm not mistaken lahhh! But I remembered it's around RM28.00++
Actually for this content (120ml) is really quite expensive but you will know why it is worthy!

It stated on the packaging that it's non-sticky, but actually, it's... *awwww
Anyway, it's sticky on the hands but not on the hair! *no worries!!!
And you can see that there's a bi-layer liquid which is the hair serum ~

● Anti-frizz oil - coats each strand of hair to smoothen it & prevent loss of moisture
● Nourishing water - penetrate deep into each strand of hair to nourish & to repair
Since the product is a "cocktail", so, definitely, you gotta SHAKE it!!!
*We gotta shake, shake, shake your body down ~~~*

It looks like mango juice after shook... *drooling...
I really love the scent of this hair cocktail ♥♥♥
Peachy scent makes me sooooo wanna eat my hair up!

For the-short-hair-me, I only need a little amount (about 20 cents amount) for my hair to moisture up!
FYI, this hair cocktail can be used for dry or damp hair ~
And for me, after washing my hair, I always comb my hair to prevent my hair from knotting
Then I will blow my hair until half dry & apply the serum on my hair
What I can said that is - This product doesn't lie ♥
After applying on my hair, my hair became SOOOOO SMOOTH & looked healthier than before
There's no knot on my hair!!!

The advantage of the hair cocktail is it doesn't waste any cents of it
For Juicy Shower which is by spraying the content out, there's a loss for the content
As I spray it out, not all of the content that had been sprayed out is exactly sprayed on my hair!
But the hair cocktail serum did apply on my hair, 100% without any loss ~

I was surprised by the result too 
Before using the hair cocktail serum, my hair is so frizzy after curling my hair
After using it, say "bye bye" to frizzy hair!!!

I really love the result and everything of this product!!!
I even repurchase one bottle for restock ♥
I had been using it for about 3 weeks and can you see it's still likely a new one?
No wasting at all!
Okieeee, that's all, tahhhh-dahhh ♥
Hope you all like my reviews ~ 

09 August 2013

Review: Flower Power MIVVA Box ❀

Ouuuu-Yeahhhhh ♥
不用我说 ~ 就是八月份的 MIVVA Beauty Box 啦 ~

上个月 MIVVA 其实已经换了新包装盒了
只是只有一部分的人收到, 看看其他人的评论如何 
结果这个月就收到了波点的黑色包装盒! 超级开心的 ~
对于这个新包装盒, 真的很满意! 
包装盒比以前更加结实 ~ 不怕里面的产品会被压坏咯 

MIVVA.com 的贴纸也换了哦 ~ 
比以前更加黏了!!! 结果......

OKIE!!! 不多说啦!!!

这个月真的真的是 FLOWER POWER 啊!!! ❀❀❀
一打开盒子, 扑鼻而来的都是花香味!!!
让我超级超级兴奋的 ~~~ ♡

妞妞我还特地穿了碎花的上衣来搭配 MIVVA Box 的主题咧!!!
是不是很有心呢? 给我 呗 ~  *啾咪*

● SHILLS Rose Essential Hydrating Skin Care Set
● dermedex Refining Cream 2 Challenge Pack
● I-GEL Aire Refreshing Drops
● dí palomo Orange Blossom with Wild Honey & Olive (Hand & Body Lotion)
● F Cup Cookies
● TSUBAKI Damage Care Shampoo & Conditioner
● Magnolia Freshener

SHILLS Rose Essential Hydrating Skin Care Set
Rose Essential Dual Action Cleansing Gel (100ml) - RM79
Rose Essential Hydrating Toner (250ml) - RM59
Rose Luxury Essence (30ml) - RM99

拿到的是 3ml 的试用品哦 ~ 
虽然是我喜欢的花香味, 但是我不喜欢玫瑰花的味道...

Rose Essential Dual Action Cleansing Gel (100ml) - RM79
洗脸霜是可以两用的哦!!! 超级特别的!!! 
1. 化妆水: 清洗脸之后, 将适量的分量倒在手心然后轻拍在脸上, 更容易吸收 ~
2. 面膜: 将适量的分量倒在化妆棉上, 然后敷十分钟就可以了 ~ 可以每天使用哦
也许我的脸是敏感性质的吧 ~ 
每次用新的产品都一定冒痘痘, 用久了就没有了
这些是依人而异的! 所以不用担心啦!

Rose Essential Hydrating Toner (250ml) - RM59

Rose Luxury Essence (30ml) - RM99
半固体状的精华液也很好用 ~
用了之后皮肤很滑, 也很保湿的 feel!!!
一下就被吸收的感觉好清爽, 不会有黏黏的感觉哦!

dermedex Refining Cream 2 Challenge Pack
Bio'tox Cleanser (10g) + Refining Cream 2 (5g) - RM30
目前还没用到这个产品, 因为看到很多人说
不是每个人都适合! 所以不敢试用 ~
而且问了姐姐, 她也叫我不要用比较好呢
如果真的要用, 就询问皮肤科的医生, 看看自己的皮肤能不能适应 BHA, AHA
毕竟我的脸很敏感, 真的不敢去用!

I-GEL Aire Refreshing Drops (10ml) - RM18.80 (WM) / RM19.80 (EM)
放在包包里真的一点都不占位 ~ 
昨天戴隐形眼镜蛮久了, 滴了眼药水眼睛就舒服好多哦!
回到家后, 弄好所有货物才脱隐形眼镜, 还是很湿润!

dí palomo Orange Blossom with Wild Honey & Olive (250ml) - RM69
这个产品分成三种 - 沐浴露, 身体乳液还有手和指甲乳液
很开心拿到的是身体乳液 ~ 这个乳液我真的超级爱的啦 ♥♥♥
味道虽然有点重, 但是很持久!
感觉都可以不喷香水, 光擦乳液就可以整天香香的了
而且啊, 真的好保湿哦!!! 爱疯了 ~~~

F Cup Cookies (14 sticks) - RM78.90
以前就很想尝尝 F Cup Cookies 了, 只是根本没有那个开销去买
一天要吃两条 F Cup Cookies, 一包 14 条, 所以代表说 RM78.90 只能吃一个星期
而且需要吃三个星期才看得到效果... 真的蛮贵的 ~
口感并不是我想象中的好吃诶... 我一直以为是像普通的饼干, 脆脆的
可是这个像是受潮的饼干, 软软绵绵的诶... 有点小失望啊
Soy Milk 口味的不是我喜欢的口味, 比较能接受巧克力的

TSUBAKI Damage Care Shampoo (220ml) - RM16.90
TSUBAKI Damage Care Conditioner (550ml) - RM33.90
超方便携带的 travel pack  
味道很香, 用了之后头发很顺滑吔 ~
打算去 Watsons 购买一套来用, 因为用了之后真的觉得很棒!
可是还要做一些 research, 头发短了, 用贵一点的洗发精也不会觉得心痛了 ~~~
毕竟用量也减少好多哦! HAHAHA, 短发的好处吧!

*TSUBAKI Damage Care Shampoo*

*TSUBAKI Damage Care Conditioner*

Magnolia Freshener
附赠的小用品 ~ 真的好香哦!!!
还没打开来就已经闻到了香味 ~ 
放在衣橱里一定超棒的 ♥♥♥

Stay tuned for the next update yahhh ♥ 

03 August 2013

人生新的起跑点 ♥

为什么期待又害怕呢? 这... 还需要问的吗?
期待 - 因为我人生新的起跑点即将开跑啦啊啊啊 ~~~
害怕 - 因为要面对一切的离别, 不舍, 生疏, 恐惧...

我真的是一个很怕生疏的人, 需要蛮多的时间去适应
外表看似热情, 其实内心里很内向的
不能像跟姐妹们玩得那么哄... 一定要给我点时间啊 ~~~

很奇怪为什么咧? Hahaha
自从 subscribe 了 MIVVA Beauty Box, 就觉得每个月都很惊喜 ~
期待每个月 MIVVA 寄给我的 MIVVA Beauty Box 里放了什么产品!
真的好希望他们能够在每个月月尾就寄出给每位 subscribers! Haha

连妈咪的朋友也说好看 ~ Hahahaha
好吧, 不多说, 也不知道应该说什么了

做好自己, 在生活里演好自己的角色
不必去在乎别人怎么看, 怎么说
尽管受到斥骂, 无中生有的言语
也无需去理会, 因为你已经做好自己应该做的
下一步, 他人要怎么对待你也好, 都已经与你无关
笑一笑, 心情也会好起来 ♥
